Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The BOOM!!! Gene

I know. I know. I said I wouldn't post another GoodReads review on here but... I'm feeling lazy so... that's what you're going to get... I'll try not to do it again... but seeing as how I have a lot of studying to do and not enough time to read AND write two different reviews, you might be seeing a few more of them. Anyway, a review is a review, right?

Anyway, remember a while back I posted a link about The Apocalypse Gene by Suki Michelle and Carlyle Clark and telling you all that I think you should read it? Well, the lovely Suki Michelle was kind enough to send me a copy of the book so that I can review it and let you all know what I think. So, without further ado, here's my review of The Apocalypse Gene.


Oh wow! That ending! Can you believe it!? It was like, "Bam!" Then it was like, "Bang!" And then it was like, "BOOM!" Phew! That was a lot of action! But let me calm down now and actually give you a proper review. This book is an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat kind of read. The story was very unique and invigorating! Most of the characters are very relatable and fun to learn more about. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the lore of this novel. There were things in here that you feel you've learned about but then the authors throw in some twists and turns of their own that leave you speechless! This was indeed a very fun, energetic read! Before I read this book, I was in a reading slump. In fact, I haven't read a book in about two months because I just wasn't in the mood to. Most books that are being written today are just not entertaining to me. It's the same story re-hashed over and over again so I just didn't feel the need to read anything. That was before the brilliant Suki Michelle contacted me and asked me if I was interested in reading her and Carlyle Clark's book, The Apocalypse Gene. When she was so kind to offer, I jumped at the chance to. I was completely sold when she said that Carlyle loves anime (and it shows! Read the book so you can see what I mean!). My goodness. I am truly grateful to them both for helping me get over my reading dilemma and for introducing me to a wonderful book!

Suki Michelle and Carlyle Clark did an amazing job at writing this book. Their writing style is top-notch! I love how they were able to work their styles together and make it balance into a nicely written novel. The style is not overly complex that you feel you need to take a breather after every sentence because it makes absolutely no sense to you... yet it's structured in a way that makes you think about what's going on in the story and what the characters should do in order to resolve the issues. I think what I enjoyed most about this novel is the story itself. It's quite different. It takes place in this sort of post-apocalyptic world where a terrible disease has spread throughout the entire world. But it doesn't end there! There's so much more to it that I can't say anything else otherwise it will spoil the whole book! Seriously, this is one of those books that I have to be very careful not to say too much or... well, you'll know what's going to happen and I don't want to ruin it for you guys~ <3 The world, the lingo, the gadgets, everything! All of it was so fascinating to me! I wish we had the technology of going to V-School and having a Holo-Sim! Those things sound awesome! (Don't know what I'm talking about? Read the book!) This dystopian book was wonderfully planned out and I am so happy I read it since dystopians are one of my favorite genres. ^_^

And now, as with all my other reviews, I shall talk about characters! We shall start with the two main heroes. The first one: Olivya. I have to be completely honest with you guys... I wasn't a fan. I felt that her character was absolutely shallow. Selfish in every way possible. I didn't like how at first, she only liked Mikah, the male protagonist, for his looks. I believe there is so much more to a person than their physical appearances and, throughout most of the book, that's the only thing she cares about. In fact, even by the end of the book, there's still some of that left. I thought that once the story progressed a bit further, she was going to go through so HUGE character development, and in some ways, she did. There was this scene where she watched over her mother and I thought, "Wow... you are actually showing responsibility and not trying to put the blame on everyone else." I felt that she finally matured. Then Mikah came back into the picture... and she commented on his appearance again. Really, Olivya? You're going to backtrack like that? *Sighs* I just was not taken in to her character. By the end of the book, I didn't find her as annoying but I still feel she needs to go through some major development before I am able to say I enjoy her. Still, she was an amazing fighter and there were times that I liked her spunk. She could be a very great character... if only she stopped being shallow. On to Mikah! I. Love. Mikah. I thought he was a great female lead! He showed actual interest in Olivya and not because she was beautiful or anything! No. It was because he liked HER. Her personality. Her fire. Her everything. Now he's someone I can enjoy! Plus, he was very intelligent, honorable, caring, sweet, fun, you name it! I love how he wanted to do whatever he could to save Olivya and the world he lived in. I really enjoyed him as a character. Olivya could learn a thing or two from him.

Side characters! I can't say too much of them because it'll ruin a lot of plot-points from the book so I will briefly touch upon a few of them. There's Mrs. Wright-Ono, Olivya's mother, and she was pretty cool. She's this no-nonsense type of mother but she could also be quite fun. I liked her a lot. Changarai, Mikah's "father" of sorts, is very loving and wise. Without him or Mikah, a lot of things about the book would make no sense to the reader! I'm grateful for them both! The Neo-Twins, Kaiman and Ash, were simply badass. Ash doesn't say much but he can knock your butt into oblivion! Kaiman... I have a crush on him. He has this... flamboyant air about him, which made me smile, but he also has this tough attitude about him. He can be quite sarcastic, too. And devious! God, I love him! XD There's Ayvilo who kinda annoyed me but I can't say why. Once you read the book, I'm sure you'll get it. I did like how she was able to wield her Nagamaki sword! That was epic! (God, I love the Japanese influence this book has!) Hakim is another character I adored! He has this elegance about him. Such a smooth, gentle, wise talker. I love him! There's Prime... and I can't say anything about him. Just know that he's cool. Then there's my favorite character: Lylobriel. Oh God! I cannot tell you how much I love him! His gentleness, his awesomeness, his... everything! I love him so much. Plus, he truly is a beautiful character. Very intelligent and wonderful and... *Swoons* ...I love him. I wish I could say more! But I can't! I will say this: Lylobriel and Morfexio are the perfect example of what friends should be like. Their relationship was the best one out of the entire book, in my opinion. (Plus, I'm a full-time yaoi fangirl so my brain totally ships them. That's right. I said it. AND I'M NOT ASHAMED OF IT!!!)

This book was a trip! The ups and downs, the craziness of what's happening in the world, the technology going out of whack, the characters losing their minds. It's all a bunch of good, entertaining fun waiting to happen. Like I said, this book is amazing. Besides that one drawback I mentioned previously, this book was such an amazing experience. Would I read it again? Of course! It was amazing and I will always want to re-visit this world that Suki Michelle and Carlyle Clark created for us. I am looking forward to the next in the series so much! After that ending and what's coming their way, how could I NOT want to read it!? I will definitely be picking up the next book whenever it is released! I want to thank the authors, once again, for giving me the opportunity to read their book. It was amazing and I truly enjoyed myself. Thank you so very much! As to all who are reading this review right now, GO GET THIS BOOK! I promise you, you will not be disappointed! You will enjoy this book a whole lot! So what are you waiting for!? GET TO READING!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rules of Constipation!

This book... was not that great... just letting you know now. I was not a fan at all. This is the last review that I am posting that's on GoodReads. I swear, this will not happen again. I will try to post as soon as I can about those other things I mentioned. In the mean time, enjoy this review of Rules of Attraction by Simon Elkeles.


Bah... this was just a horrible read. It was the same as PC and I just wanted to hang myself by the time it was over.

Let's see... where to start? I want to make it clear that I didn't completely HATE this book. I was mildly entertain throughout the entire thing which is why I continued the book all the way to the end. However, that doesn't change the fact that I found this book highly disappointing. Where Perfect Chemistry, though a very cliché story about two people who are completely different falling in love with each other, still had some elements that made the book a decent read, maybe not a great read but definitely a decent one, Rules of Attraction was no such book. It took everything Perfect Chemistry was, completely rehashed it, and spat it out to be something that's completely half-assed. If it actually TRIED to be its own unique story, I'm sure it would have been a decent read as well. But no. It's the EXACT same story just told through "other" characters. I was greatly disappointed to see myself reading the same book. Well, enough about that. Let's break this sucker down into the good and the bad.

How about the writing? Was it any good? Yes. It was very good. I don't doubt Simone Elkeles as being a fantastic writer. I enjoy her style quite a bit actually. She knows how to capture a reader's attention from the get-go. Her words flow so smoothly from one scene to the next. I must say that, for those of you who don't know me, I'm a huge fan of transition. Nothing makes me more happy than seeing an author who knows to go from one scene to another without making it seem like the reader missed an entire paragraph of text. So when I came across Simone's books and saw that she knew how to properly show transition, I peed my pants! I was that happy! X3 And that's not the only thing she knows how to do! I know she can tell a story that's suspenseful and intense as well. When I was reading Perfect Chemistry, I was really engaged in the story. Even though it's a story that had been told before, she wrote it in such a way that kept the reader excited to continue on all the way to the end. My only problem with Elkeles is that she was saying the same story all over again with very similar characters. Look, I'm glad that PC went well for her. Really, I am. But does that really give her an excuse to use the same story to gain an even bigger fanbase? Couldn't she be a little more creative than that? Just a little more originality is all I ask for! Another thing that bother me about her book this time around was the fact it included both Alex and Brittany. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them, but I did feel there were in this book a little TOO much. This is supposed to be Carlos and Kiara's story. Alex and Brittany have no reason to be here. Their story is over and done with. They don't need to be hogging up anymore the spotlight. And that little thing with them at the end of the book? What the hell? What was up with that? It's like Alex did a complete 180 back to his roots in the beginning of PC. It was stupid and unnecessary. *Rolls eyes*

And if that wasn't bad enough, she uses similar characters in RoA that she had in PC. *Groans* The only difference with the characters is that they were more obnoxious in this book than they were in the previous one. You have Carlos, the male lead, who was exactly like Alex from PC... EXCEPT HE WAS MORE OF A DOUCHE!!! There was nothing likable about him at all. Anyone who cares deeply about him and only want the best for him, he treats like crap, saying how he can't get close to anyone because he is a bad person. A rebel. A guy who needs no love because he's a "gangbanger." *Scoffs* He's more of a pussy than anything else if you ask me. The worst attitude I have ever seen on a character. Oh, and did I mention he treats women like sluts? Even after he admits to "loving" Kiara, female lead, he still treats her like shit. AND HERE'S THE WORSE PART!!! Kiara bloody accepts that. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? Why she puts up with his bullshit? Oh, because she loves him. It doesn't matter if she gave up her virginity to him to show him how much she cares and to keep him with her forever, which is a very stupid move on her part (no matter how much you like a guy, if he treats you like shit, you don't sleep with him to keep him closer), or the fact Kiara says to him that she doesn't care if he wants nothing with her because she's completely fine with giving herself up for him if it means he'll hold her for a little while... do you hear this bullshit? What kind of weak-willed, male-dependent, little cunt spews out this crap and expects people to take her seriously? It's a shame that most girls think this way. Also, it's a shame because I actually liked Kiara in the beginning. She was tough, didn't care about her appearance (although, she did cared a lot of what others thought about her...), and wasn't your typical girl. But, lo and behold, as soon as a penis comes into the picture (and a loser on top of that), she becomes like ever other female YA protagonist out there. This upsets me to no end. I want to finally see a girl stand up for herself the way she's supposed to. Not throw it out the window as soon as a man comes along. (AND A LOSER ON TOP OF THAT!!!) Jesus, it makes me feel such shame considering I, too, am female. *Sighs and shakes her head* Oh well... what can one do? EXCEPT BITCH AND RAGE ABOUT THE STUPIDITY OF THESE BLOODY CHARACTERS!!! *Snarls* Carlos and Kiara need to be hit by a freaking bulldozer. -_-""""""

Okay, I ranted enough. Time to talk about the good characters in this book. (This might not take long at all... there's really not that many.) I liked Kiara's family. Every single one of them. (Shame they had a shitty daughter.) I really enjoyed Brandon, Kiara's younger brother. He was cute, sweet, and very energetic... if a bit gullible. But, hey, he's six-years-old. I can cut him some slack... for now. *Narrows eyes* I also liked Collen, Kiara's mother. Her "health-freak" mannerisms is something I can relate to and I think anyone who promotes healthy eating is awesome in my book... even if they are a bit irresponsible (more on that in a second). Westford, Kiara's father, was a Super Daddy! He's strong, brave, sweet, kind, caring, loving, understandable, laid-back, and just plain old awesome! He was one of the few who tried to get Carlos to see that not everything is out to get him. He also told him to man up and quit being a pansy... just not in so many words. XD In any case, I really like the daddy. However, I did feel Kiara's parents where a little irresponsible. The fact that they let a total stranger into their house when they clearly know that they have a teenage daughter, don't keep an eye on them, allow them to be alone, and then expect that they don't fool around? Man, those are some pretty poor excuses for parents. Not to mention the rules they have. Okay, some of them are quite good. Like no taking drugs or drinking. But the curfews? Midnight on weekdays and two in the morning on weekends? Shit, I'm lucky if I'm aloud to go out for an hour with someone I barely even know, and even if I was allowed, it'll be around three P.M. I would have to be home by four P.M. the latest! I don't know... it just seems pretty unrealistic to me. As much as I love Kiara's folks, they really are doing a bad job in parenting. *Shrugs*

Yay! We've come to the part I was looking forward to the most!!! Talking about Tuck!!! (God, I love him!) Tuck is Kiara's gay best friend. (By the way, am I the only one who hates the fact that only the girls in YA literature get to have a gay best friend? Why can't the males have a gay best friend? Just because they have a friend that's gay doesn't make them gay. What kind of mentality is that anyway? We live in 20fucking11! Time to get over this whole "I'm too much of a man to wear pink" and get over yourselves! I demand to see a guy with a gay best friend right now!!!) *Ahem* Anyway, Tuck is one (if not only) of the best characters in this entire book! He's so hilarious! Every seen he is in made me crack up! I was always depressed to see him leave because he was, literally, the only character that didn't make me want to slap him upside the head. Even though I liked Kiara's parents, they still did things that made me want to whip out my mallet and bang them with it. Not Tuck, though! Tuck had a great sense of humor, never let anyone get the better of him, and didn't give two shits about what people thought of him. He was truly hardcore and he was a very good friend to Kiara. (Something she wasn't very much of to him but I digress.) He was there to support her even if he though Carlos was a douche. (And the hell he used to give Carlos was the highlight of the book! <3) Oh, man... I cannot say enough good things about his character. He was just... wonderful and amazing! Hell, I would like to read a book about him! I'm sure it would be a lot more entertaining than the crap I just finished reading. In fact, where does Alex Strong live? He's the inspiration for Tuck! Alex, I demand to see you right now so I can gush all over you. Yes, it IS as nasty as it sounds. *Smirks*

Alright, let's wrap this baby up. The book was... eh, okay. It's not a great read. It's not even a decent read. But it is okay. If you're curious enough, I suggest checking this one out of the library first before you buy it. It was very disappointing seeing as how it's the same old story about a boy who's in a gang that falls in love with a rich girl and they have the nasties together. I guess if you love PC, you'll love RoA. If that wasn't your favorite pastry then I say skip it... wait, it's actually worth the read! If only for Tuck! He's too awesome to pass up! *Slaps self* Well, not that the fangirl has been killed, I'll say this. Give it a try but only if you are curious enough. If not, forget it. I read the preview of Chain Reaction that came with my copy of RoA and let just tell you... it's the same story AGAIN with similar male characters AGAIN with a pathetic excuse of a female protagonist AGAIN! It's just... no. Elkeles, I am very disappointed in you. I know you can do better than this nonsense. Please, just try a little harder and then things might actual go well between you and I. You have the potential. Now just get to it! Anyway, that's all from me for now. I'll be coming very soon with another review for you. Stay tuned~ *Cue musical outro*

My Imaginary Lover

I seem to have... lost my reading bug for a whilst there. I do apologize. I was going through some real life issues that prevented me from giving my all into reading. However, I am back and feeling better than ever! And I know I owe you guys like... a TON of posts that I said I was going to do and just... never got around to doing... Sorry! I am trying to get back into the swing of things. For now, I'm going to post up two reviews that I didn't write whilst I was reading the books. So instead, just this once, I will post the EXACT same review that I wrote for GoodReads. I hope you guys enjoy. ^_^ Better content coming your way as soon as I finish the current book that I am reading! ^_^ Without further ado, here's the book review I wrote for My Invisible Boyfriend by Susie Day!


Man, this book was a trip. I spent so long reading it (mostly because life enjoys beating me into a bloody pulp) that I feel I know these characters personally. That I lived with them in this boarding school. That I was about to go squealy fangirl over the yaoi... oh, wait... I did do that... OH WELL! What I'm saying is that I REALLY enjoyed this book. I didn't think that I would considering that this is just not a genre I like. Why in the world would I want to read about high school life/drama? I hated my own, I'm going to read about another's? No, thank you. However, my good friend, Nicole Terazue, read this book and absolutely loved it so I, being one to fully trust in her opinion, went to my library and requested to read it. And, of course, it does not disappoint. I really enjoyed myself reading this book, which is so odd because I hate this genre with a passionate hatred! XD That goes to show you if the author really knows how to write, they can get almost anyone to like their book. Mind you, I still had some problems with it. (You can't expect me to FULLY love a book like this now, can you?) But the problems were very minor and you can easily look over them. It's still a fun, cute, light, fast read and if that's something you like then you should seriously pick this up!

But I'm getting ahead of myself! I still need to talk about this author! Susie Day did an absolutely wonderful job in writing this book. For what it is, it's amazing. The plot is not too complicated or heavy but then again, it's not supposed to be. It's meant to just give you a bit of a break when dealing with your own life by getting involved in the main character's life. I really enjoy Day's writing style. It takes up today's lingo pretty well (but it's British lingo so it could be a bit confusing if you don't know much of English slang). The writing style is simplistic enough to be easy to read but not enough to come across as juvenile. I also liked how the book is formatted. The book includes actual IMs and emails that take place between that characters and I thought that was a nice touch to have in this cute book. There is just one thing about the plot that bothered me, though. I don't like how the reader can figure out who the mysterious "E" is WAY before the characters in the book can. It's set up to be that way on purpose, I know, but it's just dragged out for far too long and it becomes a bit irritating after a while. At least for me it did. After all, no one is that bloody stupid and the fact that Heidi needed to have it shoved in her face after 150 pages of obvious clues... yeah, becomes rather tedious. Other than that, I really have no complaints about the book in general.

Except maybe for a few of the characters. Heidi, main character, is dorky and fun and even a bit charming. I love how she is imaginative enough to create her own boyfriend. That's a trait I highly value seeing as I do it often and I have a friend who does it herself. These are things I love about Heidi. However, when she starts craving actual "boys," she tries whatever she can to get said "boys." Even if they were taken at that moment with one her best friends. I mean, can't you wait until they have broken up or something? In truth, you shouldn't go out with your friends exs to begin with but... that's a touchy subject... I could at least accept this if she wasn't so, "Oh, this is so horrible of me... LET ME DO IT ANYWAY!" Heidi, no matter what you say, you're still a douche if you go for stealing with the boy-toys! *Groans* Plus, she's so bloody stupid! So many things are through right into her face but she needs to be told what's going on in order to finally get it. And even THEN she still DOESN'T get it! DX I just hate when people can take a freaking hint! All in all, she's an okay character. She became tiresome after the whole, "Wait... a boy likes me... I wonder who it is? Is it Drake? Malcolm? Bob? IT MUST BE LUKE!" Bah... what a nuisance. Oh, but she wasn't the only one who got on my nerves! She has this bloody friend called Ludo... and, God, did I wanted to push her out an eighteenth-story! -_-" She was your typical, "Like, ohmigod, I was totally about to have sex with this one guy when, like, I threw up all over him. It was, like, totally gross! Like, EW!!!!!" *Stabs the bimbo* I could not stand her one bit! She drove me mad and the fact that she was boy-crazed just made it that much worse. DX It's a good thing you don't see her too often... though often enough. Another character I had a problem with was Fili. At first, I quite enjoyed her. She is actually pretty cool... that is... until her secret is revealed. I won't say what it is for spoilery reasons but know this: What she did was really fucked up.

But not all the characters were terrible! There were actually characters that are to DIE for. (Okay, maybe not that drastic but they are freaking cute! <3) First I want to talk about is Betsy. She's this kick ass owner of a cafe/shop/whatever-you-want-to-call-it and she's awesome! She gives out great advice that a lot of people (not just the characters) should take into consideration. Plus, she's always calling Heidi out on her crap, which I just adore her for! I really liked her. I also loved this character named Teddy. He is the definition of Super Special Awesome! (Love you, LK~) He has the best sense of humor (really, this entire book does) and he just knows how to be an amazing guy. I would love to get together with him and play video games. Specifically Portal! X3 I would have to say that my favorite character in the entire book was Henry for many reasons. He's sweet, kind, caring, funny, sexy, intelligent, determined, sexy, wonderful, strong, and sexy~ (I like it when things come in threes~ >:3) Also, he reminds me a lot of a certain person that I like to call "Sugar" and I might be a TAD biased towards his character! X3 AND his relationship with Dai is just... *Swoons* ...delicious~ Mmmmmm~ Yaoi~ *Slaps self* Anyway, I should explain something about Dai's character. If you've read my updates, you will see that I started off liking him, then hating him, then liking him again, then hating him again, then liking him again. Basically, I have a love hate relationship with his character. I like him because he can be quite cute and sweet when he wants to be. However, when he started talking about his friend behind her back, I thought that was an ass move. But he gets better and then I'm thinking, "Well, fuck... how am I supposed to hate you now when you're being very sweet with your boyfriend and I'm a yaoi lover at heart?" Bah! It's so confusing. Here's what I think: If he wasn't a gossip, he could be the best yaoi boy ever! Well, next to Henry, of course. But he's a gossip so... make you're own conclusions. I'm getting tired. DX

To sum up: This book is worth the read. It's so light and fluffy that you really just have fun when reading this book. I am so glad I listened to Nicole and picked this up because I was quite pleased with the results. You might like it, too! You just never know. I know this is just what I needed to get me through a rough time. I feel so much better and happy now that I finished this book. And, hey! I got a new yaoi pairing from it as well! Whoo! A productive day! So, readers, go out and check this book if you are looking for something with a light plot and a fun atmosphere. Besides, this is comedy people! Don't you want to laugh? Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, that's all I have to say about this book. I'll be returning shortly with another. Hopefully, it will be as fun as this one was! ^_^

Friday, November 11, 2011

Shadow Kisses: "All About the Buttons" Interview and Bookmark Giv...

Shadow Kisses: "All About the Buttons" Interview and Bookmark Giv...: *Squeal Moment!* I'm excited to welcome Barbra La Bosco from " All About The Buttons " who has been gracious enough to do an interview and ...

You know you guys want to check out this massive beauty! Go ahead and click! ^_^