Sunday, September 25, 2011

Barf, Barf!

Well, I finally started reading again... well, to be honest, I've been reading the same book for the past two weeks. Why is it taking me so long to finish reading this book? BECAUSE IT'S UTTER CRAP, THAT'S WHY! Jesus! The book I am currently reading is Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick and it is about the worst book I have ever read in my entire life. Okay... that's an exaggeration. Toilet is the worst book I ever read. But Barf, Barf is tied with Farted hands down. This is a bunch of YA paranormal nonsense thrown together to try and pass itself off as a novel. Do you know the kind of crap I had to sit through? Ugh! It's so vulgar and annoying that I feel I can't even properly tell you about it because there's just so much junk to say!

Let's start off with the terrible writing. There are so many inconsistencies floating all over the place. Fitz can't write for shit. Her writing style is awkward at best. She writes worse than a two-year-old. I am not please with her transitions. There are times when she is writing about one scene and then it just to a completely different scene without giving the reader any notice about it. Also, there are times where it feels like there are parts of the story missing. The gaps between events are so huge you feel like your book is missing pages! Not to mention the plot is mediocre, the characters are shallow and forgettable, and it's the same story re-hashed for your viewing torture! DX Fitz really should try a little harder to be more original and practice writing. The writing is just awful.

As I said, the characters are dull. Nora is a stupid twit that loses all sense of self when the hot guy walks into the room. Patch is a bloody rapist waiting to happen. These two give the word "lust" a new meaning... and if any of you call this piece a crap a "romance," I swear, I'm slapping the stupid out of you. Nothing about this book is romantic. These characters only want to bang the crap out of each other, always rubbing their lower regions against each other, and Fitz has the audacity to call this a romance? Bullshit! What these two characters are experiencing is not love! Nothing about this is love! Also, Nora is one of the dumbest girls ever! She's right up there with Bella and Luce. God, why can't these female protagonists be strong and use their brain? They lose all brain cell usage whenever a penis walks into the room. Ugh! And Patch? How is he sexy? One: His name is stupid. Two: He smirks like a bloody pervert. Finally: He acts all broody when in reality... he's just a pussy. I hate these two with a burning passion.

Don't get me started on the side characters! Vee is a fucking whore that only talks about sex as if that's the only thing in the world and we, as females, can only think about getting laid because, apparently, that's all we're good for. When it comes to Elliot, Jules, and Miss Greene, you know their role from the very beginning. That's another thing this book is big on: PREDICTABILITY!!! You can literally see what's coming next because it's the same story that's been told over and over again! DX Anyway, back to side characters. Elliot is a bloody douche that also wants to get in Nora's pants. Jules is boring as hell. Miss Greene is another pathetic female because she wants Patch's penis. (I don't care if it is a spoiler!) All I'm saying is there are NO good characters in this book. They all suck! Except that waitress lady who was getting under Nora's skin. She was actually smart and I didn't feel as if I wanted to kill her because she only appeared in one chapter. (Wish I could say the same thing about the rest of this garbage.) -_-"

*Groans* God, this book is painful... I just... can't... bring myself to even... LOOK at it! DX This book blows. It's just terrible. There's nothing creative about it, everything you can see coming a mile away, the characters are deplorable, and the writing is just awful! What the hell was Fitz thinking when she wrote this thing? Did she really think this is something people would enjoy reading? Actually, considering the majority of people can't be individuals and have very little brain cells to begin with... she's right. It makes me sad that novels like this are considered to be an amazing book when in reality... it blows more than purple monkey balls. *Shrugs* But, as always, I'm in the minority. If fallen angels, bad angel lore, bad angel puns, and bad writing is something you are into, then go ahead and pick up the book. Make your own decisions on it. I think I'll pass on the rest of this series. It just hurts too much to put up with Nora's stupidity and Patch's rapist mind any longer than I already have.

Anyway, hopefully the next book I read isn't a shitty one. I really need to start reading better books. Oh, and I didn't forget about that children's books post I said I was going to post. I've just been really busy. I'll see if I can put it up tomorrow! In the mean time, I hope you are having a lot more luck when it comes to reading than I have. -_-"

Till next entry! See ya!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another Giveaway! Link Down Below!

I know you guys are going to love this. There's another giveaway happening~ So go! Go and click the link! You will not regret it. It's to win Matched by Ally Condie and with it comes a set of earrings. I think it's a cute set so I wanted to share with you guys. Go on and check it out! ^_^

Win Matched with Earrings!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Giveaway Hosted by Book Rat

That's right! You heard correctly! Book Rat Misty is hosting a giveaway for the book Hades by Alexandra Adornetto. I think it's pretty freaking awesome she decided to do this so I figured I should enter and spread the word anyway I can. (However, I hate Twitter so I'm going to blog about it instead.) Anyway, if you would like a chance to win this book then, by all means, enter this giveaway! Link is provided for you below~

Book Rat: QUICKIE GIVEAWAY!! Hades by Alexandra Adornetto

Also, check out the rest of her blog because she does pretty awesome reviews on various genres of books. She also had a YouTube channel where you can see videos of her book hauls and more. All links are on her blog. Go ahead and check it out! ^_^

This is Rain, signing out!

Till next entry! See ya!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cold as ICE! Plus, UPDATE!

Hello again, readers! You might think that I have been gone a little longer than normal. Well, I have an explanation for that. You see, I have been reading. A LOT! I am in such a reading high you will not BELIEVE how many books I have read. (Not that I have a choice. I sprained my ankle so I really don't have anything else to do... *Sighs*) Then why have I not updated this blog? Well, I've been reading a lot of children's books. I felt like being generous so I was reading for We Give Books for the past few days. It's a lovely little website where you read books and for every book you read, one gets donated to a campaign you are signed up for. There's more to it but I'll dedicate a future blog post just for that. For now, just know that I got quite a few books read on that site and it was amazing! Why didn't I post something about each of the books that I read here? Well, this blog is mostly dedicated to novels. I want to learn children's books separated from here. I did, however, write up a review for each book on my GoodReads. If you are curious about what I read then I suggest you look there. If not then... whatever! Anyway, on with what I am currently reading!!!

I went to the library not too long ago and I picked up Ice by Sarah Beth Durst. Now, I have picked up this book from the library twice before but I never got around to reading it. (I'm just slow that way.) Anyway, since my friend picked it up and read and said how much she loved it, I finally decided to pick it up and read it. And let me tell you, I am so glad I did. It is based on the fairy tale East o' the Sun, West o' the Moon and it's very close to the original fairy tale. Granted, Durst took some liberties, such as the story with the munaqsri, but all of the elements with the original fairy tale is still there. And it is just as charming. I read the fairy tale before reading Ice and I found myself really liking it. When I started reading this book, I was in awe with how accurate Durst kept it and even adding little elements herself made it that much more breathtaking! The story! I am really taken with the story. Durst did a beautiful job writing it and her writing style is so amazing! There's some to it... I don't know how to describe it well but it's lovely! It makes me want to squee out in delight. ^_^ I'm so glad to be reading this book!

At first, I was really annoyed with the main character, Cassie. I felt she was so narrow-minded and shallow. (Much like the heroine from the original fairy tale.) She had this annoying habit of questioning everything that was happening. Things that couldn't be proven with science, she doubted. It was annoying at how she tried to make sense of everything that was happening to her despite the fact she was seeing it with her own eyes! DX Another thing that got on my nerves about her was how she couldn't tell whether Bear, her love interest, was really in love with her or using her. If you read the book, you would know that he did absolutely everything in order to please her. He wanted to make her happy no matter what the consequences were to himself. Her immaturity was just so stupid, I wanted to slap her upside the head. Okay... so Bear does something (can't say... it's a spoiler) that was really rotten. I get that. Even I was a bit upset with him after he did that. Hell, if someone did that to me, I'd be pissed for a long time before I got over it. And yes, I do believe Cassie was in the right to be upset with him. However, I don't think it was right of her to say rotten things about him. Even though he did that, he never meant to hurt her and it's very apparent how truly sorry he was. He never meant to wrong her at all. But she acted so immature about the whole ordeal... it was irritating.

So... does she get better? Yes. She does. Right now, I am reading a part where she is very grown up and not acting foolish. I am so glad, too, because she was really starting to get to me. XP She is showing this determination to get things done and she's not complaining one bit! Also, she stopped bitching about Bear, which is a plus. Bear is such a charming character. He shows this undying devotion to Cassie that makes me swoon~ I love him so much. Even though he did that "thing," I still find myself liking him a whole lot because of the true love he shows Cassie. I will say this about the book... I hate that Durst skipped over all those weeks that Cassie and Bear spent together. Those were crucial moments to their relationship and if the reader wanted to see how Cassie warmed up to Bear, they can't because Durst skipped over it. It was annoying. She took the lazy way out to say how much they love each other. Bah!I really wanted to know. *Sighs* Oh well... the book is still good regardless.

There's still more to say about the book but I will leave that for my full review that I will post up on GoodReads. Please, if this intrigues you, go check it out! I should finish the book tonight so the review should be up momentarily. I really think this book is worth the read. It does have some minor flaws, like the skipping over the foundations of their relationship, but it is still worth reading. Borrow it from the library and see for yourself! ^_^ Anyway, I'm off to have me a donut and some milk so that I can get back to reading! Stay tuned for some more reading I will be doing. I got some stupid books and good books to come. (I'll let you know now that a stupid is heading your way. DX) I hope you enjoy the updates! X3

Till next entry! See ya!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Bloody Scorch "Burnt to a Crisp" Trials!!!

Judging from the title, you can already guess what book I am going to talk to you about this time. That's right! I'm going to talk to you about the awesomeness that is James Dashner's The Scorch Trials. Shall we begin? Yes, we shall~

Dashner is a bloody genius! I LOVE this trilogy! As soon as I saw this book at the library, I had to put aside my book limit (I have a limit because I usually take out twenty books at a time and, trying to finally get to the ones I have home, I decided to go with only five books... thanks to this book... yeah... totally got six. XP) and check this book out right away! As soon as I got home, I began to read it and I am loving it to pieces! The plot is just as engaging as The Maze Runner, the characters are still epic (minus one which I will tell you more in a bit), and the writing is just as intense! Dude, Dashner really knows how to write suspense into his stories! Do you know how many times I was at the edge of my seat, yelling at the book to tell me what's to happen next? I lost count.

I'm loving this plot. Want to know why? Because I cannot predict a single things that's going to happen next! Everything is just so out there that I feel like my head's going to explode! AND IT'S SO GOOD!!! I can't tell you how good it is. However, it's confusing as hell. I'm about 93% done with the book... and I still have no clue as to what's going on! I'm guessing I will find out at the end of the book but still! I want to know! I hate being in the dark! Wah! Dashner! Quit holding out on me! DX There is one thing I was able to predict in the book which regarded the relationship between two characters but that's nothing too big. Dashner kept leaving bread crumbs for the reader so you kinda expected it. Still, considering I'm not too fond of one of the characters, it's just making me want to smack someone. -_-"

Let me talk about the characters a bit. Thomas, still our main protagonist, is awesome as ever. Seriously, he is such a good main character... and not stupid at all! Most of the time, main characters are stupid as hell, but not Thomas! He actually takes the time out to think things through. He doesn't waste time on trivial matters, ever though he goes through quite a bit of them in this book. I mean, he thinks about them but only when he has down time and not when he's about to get his head chopped off. Minho is here, too, and I love him! You should see how badass he is. There are times when he's about to get his head chopped off (and a few other things) but I'm glad to say he's a fighter through and through. God, I love him. He's a character that showed tremendous growth since the first book. (I actually hated him at first but now? LOVE!) Newt! Oh my love, Newt! He is my favorite character and I must say I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy he hasn't changed a bit. My only disappointment is that he is not in this book nearly enough as he was in the last book. T_T

There are a few new characters, as well. There's Jorge, a Crank (I'm not even going to bother with the explanation... it'll take too long. XP), and he's a bit... annoying. He's not too bad but there are times when he just... I don't know. I suck at explaining things. He's okay. I guess the way he speaks annoys me. *Shrugs* Brenda is another "love interest." As if we needed another one of those. Although, I do like her a lot. She's kickass but has a sort of elegance about her. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to take it. She kind of goes through a change in the novel but only because she's a Crank and the Flare is taking over her brain. (Curious to know what I'm talking about? Read the book!) She comes through for Thomas a few times and has really taken a liking to him~ *Smirks* Speaking of "love interests," Teresa. *Sighs* I really liked her in the first book... but that's probably because she was hardly in it. In fact, she doesn't show up in this book until about 100 pages in. However, the way she was acting in this book really pissed me off. She's selfish, manipulative, and even bitchy. I don't know... I'm just not liking her character now that she's appearing more often. I'm hoping that now, since things are getting to a certain climax, she'll get better again and she's not as annoying in the last book.

To sum up, READ THIS TRILOGY!!! Okay, I know the third is not out yet but considering how awesome the first two are, I can say honestly that the last one will also be great! I am really looking forward to reading it! Well, that's it for this "What I'm Currently Reading" rendition. I'm not sure what I'll be reading next but I'll let you know once I do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to finish this book and post the full review on GoodReads. I am excited to see what's going to happen in the end! *Flails* It's so exciting!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

New SHUT OUT Trailer!

Hey, guys! Here I am again with something different. I just finished watching the new trailer for the book SHUT OUT by Kody Keplinger and it was amazing! I am here today to show you that trailer! Please enjoy! ^_^