Monday, August 22, 2011

The Awesome Maze Freakin' Runner!

As you can tell by the title, I love this next book I am reading. It's a FANTASTIC read! Let me tell you guys something. It's be FOREVER since I last read a book that I absolutely have fallen in love with. Most books written today just... suck. They take the same story and rehash it again and again as if that's what we, as readers, want to see over and over again. *Sighs* You think there would be someone out there to realize we want something new and exciting! Well, I was starting to lose hope. That is... until I picked up this book. ^_^

The Maze Runner by James Dashner is a perfect example of dytopian at its finest. There's so many twists and turns and cray outcomes that you are literally turning the next page with such eagerness! You just do not want to put the book down! I know I don't! Trust me. Right now it's so hard putting the book down just so I can give you this update on what I'm reading and my thoughts on it! I so cannot wait to see where the plot goes because right now, I have no bloody clue! That's another thing I love about this book. There's no predictability whatsoever! I can usually guess what's coming next whenever I read a book but with this book, I have no idea! Plus, the writing is amazing! I am in awe at how well Dashner can write! I'll go more in depth with that in my full review on GoodReads!

I have to say that I love ALL the characters in this book. Even the baddies you are supposed to hate. Each and every single character here makes the book so much more engaging! I love reading about them and seeing them grow. Thomas is a wonderful protagonist. I love how strong he can be and how he's always thinking of others. (Not to mention all the little yaoi scenes he has with the other boys. *Smirks*) I enjoy Teresa, the only girl in this novel. Dude, I usually hate girls in books. They always end up being weak and stupid or make the guy character into something stupid. But none of that happens here! Thank God. These two actually have a great relationship going on and it's not about acting stupidly in love or anything. This book is all about the action and I'm lovin' it! XD

My favorite character (I have to talk about my favorites with each book I read. It's a must!) has to be Newt. He is so funny, witty, brave, sexy--everything! I love how he handles himself. He takes the lead when he needs to but also backs down when he knows he can't be in control. He's the perfect balance for someone who needs to be a leader. Also, he's just so caring for the other boys that you can't help but love him! There are a lot of amazing characters in this book but I can't talk about them all in this little update. I'll save that for my full review, which should be posted later on today on my GoodReads! Please look forward to it! ^_^

Till next entry! See ya!

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